Sunday, October 22, 2017

My favorite movie

It is difficult to define a favorite movie. Just as a fast try, four or five movies come into my mind, but maybe because I saw it a few months ago, one of the amazing films in the history is “The Godfather”.  I really enjoy movies based on real events, historical films, but in the case of The Godfather, I was engaged in the complex and fascinating relationships between the family head and the rest. The manage of the power that “The godfather” did to achieve their wishes, characterizes very well as today the things happened in certain levels of power. The traffic of influences is a dangerous problem and difficult to be detected for any organization, especially for the governments. And if we want to know about it, starts seeing “The Godfather” is a good idea. Regarding to the most recent movie that I have seen, it is “The Circle”. That film is starred by Emma Watson, and speaks about the control of the society from a closed-loop based on the technologies available today. Maybe that is the most highlighted feature of the movie, and the work of Emma is not bad, but lost credibility along the story moves forward. So, excluding notably new movies, I prefer to choose a classic one to spend an afternoon Sunday in front of the TV.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Going to the past

If I could, I would like to go to the past and the future, but definitely the future is more interesting. To explore your future life, see what is happening and understand the relation with the present could allow changing something now, and modify the future. This would be an amazing opportunity to get better results in your life and learn about it. Now, changing the past is something that everyone wishes sometime, I think. What would happen now if I had taken other option in a particular moment of the past, or if I had decided anything different? Particularly, I often ask me what would happen if I had chosen other career. Finishing the secondary education, I wished to be physician. I had the opportunity to study medicine in a different university that I had planned, and I decided to follow another career here at the University of Chile. The reasons to choose medicine were the same to follow kinesiology, but definitely my present would be different. Not best or worst, just different, and the curiosity to know the differences motivate me to come back and change that decision. However, I feel fulfilled with all I am living now, especially with my family. Ever you can evaluate the present regarding the decisions taken before, and looking at the consequences in the future. Maybe that could be the way to travel along time, but testing and learning in the present.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Post-graduate study

Continuous formation is highly recommended for any professional. Today there are many alternatives of courses to pursuit after completing your career. In healthy area, there is a growing market of graduate course, with offers of questionable quality. So, I think it is indispensable to consider several factors at the time to choice a course. For example, new treatments to healthy problems need to be tested before to take a formation course about these. In my case, a couple of years ago I choice a master that expanded my labour fields, gave me the opportunity to follow the academic career. Now, if I would have to give a next step, maybe I would take a course about project design, administration or related topics. In the scientific career you depend on getting funding, and to get it, you need to elaborate and manage projects. Many good ideas die at the moment that are put in paper, because to be a good scientist don’t implicate to organise people or budget, define priorities and highlight the strengths of the proposal. With a couple of courses, very specific and well structured, maybe you can improve the ability to transmit your ideas and make these happen. In Chile there is a variety of modalities, from classroom to online courses, during the weekends, in consecutive days or in a regular plan. One limitation could be the cost of these courses, but even free-courses are popular by internet. One example is Coursera (, where you can follow a complete formation in a theme with four or five short courses. Alternatives are emerging constantly, and today it is easy to complement your theoretical background or expand it to new disciplines. The limit is the time, as in many other dimension in the life.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Future job

I am kinesiologist. From 2006, I have worked in a couple of places as a clinician with patients that have suffered a neurological lesion. This activity goes beyond a biological intervention, because in many cases there is emotions, expectations and fears that you need to confront, so every patient is a new experience. That is the good side. the bad one? Maybe, as any other job, the routine of start and end at the same time, or the inability to change what you want, is finally exhausting. This pushing me to study a master, and now a PhD, which has been so challenging and funny. As part of the program activities, I've had the opportunity to travel a lot, meeting new people, learning different ways to enjoy the live and grow as student and professional. In the future, The idea is to merge clinical interventions with investigation, as in developed countries is conducted, together with teaching in a undergraduate and graduate level. Travels? That is one of the most atractive components of my job, because to attend to meetings or to visit foreig labs is advertised and financed. Regarding the salary, the scientific position is not a good chance to be millionare, but you can have a comfortable live. Finally, it is better to wake up every morning to enjoy your job that to earn money doing boring things.