Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Japan: an ancient country

Japan is present in our daily life. If you put attention in a shop, in the transit, in the restaurants, a ´piece of Japan is possible to recognise in everything. Maybe for these superficial things, or the influence of the Japanese cartoon series in my childhood (how to forget Robotech or Supercampeones), I´l like to visit Japan. Spring, summer, fall... and spring (2003) was a delicate and reflexive film that came me to admire the Japanese culture. Through the images, it is easy to appreciate a beautiful country that supports mystic legends, and a long history. Social relationships are characterised for clear principles and a suspicious kindness. The streets, as a reflex of that, are ever clean and well-maintaining. A couple of friends told me that the switch  to call the green light of the traffic light really works¡¡¡ (here you must be lucky to find one of this). To some extent, Japan could be close to the perfection, but to me that is wrong. The same rules that define the human interaction, separate one of each other. The search for success produces a high competitiveness, with limited free time. In some sense, the Japanese society is focus on the work. So, a short travel to Japan is ideal, a long stay not. Just one example, Host clubs allow to pay for hours of conversation with a nice guy, so you need to spend money to get, here in a latin culture, that which is part of our style life.
Image result for winter summer autumn film

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. Japan seems like the perfect place to visit. The ancient history, the combination of nature and city, the profound respect that people have to each other; but, on the other hand, if you want to live there, it is a completely different story.
